🔔 Create Alert Get notified instantly over email when new visa appointments are available!
Receive instant alerts for just
one-time payment
Most people find an appointment in the first 10 days.
What's included
30 days of unlimited email alerts
Pick multiple visa centres and destinations
Instant alerts sent as soon as an appointment is found.
Helps keep our servers running
Payment made is non-refundable. Paying for alerts does not
guarantee a visa appointment.
Frequently asked questions
How do email alerts work?
When you sign up for paid email alerts, you'll receive an instant notification whenever a new
appointment opens up in your chosen city. The systems check for appointments extra frequently
when you have alerts active, ensuring you're among the first to know.
Am I guaranteed a visa appointment?
Unfortunately not. There's no way to guarantee a visa appointment will open up, but this service
is designed to give you the best possible chance. Most people find it useful to sign up for
alerts, as it's the most reliable way to find a visa appointment.
Why is there a fee?
Sending email alerts and doing frequent data checks needed to find new appointments quickly
costs hundreds of dollars per month. While we'd love to keep the service completely free, we
need to cover the expenses of keeping it running reliably.
What is the refund policy?
No refunds. Due to the nature of the service, we cannot offer refunds. Your payment contributes
directly to the costs of constantly checking for new appointments, for you, helping keep the
service fees as low as possible. While we hope you find the service valuable, we are sorry if it
doesn't meet your needs!
How can I get billing or payment related support?
Send an email to billing@schengenappointments.com
Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Send in an email