
Boston: all schengen (business) visa appointments available

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🏖️ Tourist Visa 💼 Business Visa
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Temporarily unavailable: France

“Thank you brother I managed to book one just now because of this✅”


“This is really helpful. You're definitely contributing for a better world”


“Thanks 😊 🫂 I booked You are a star”


“I just wanted to let you know that I managed to get an appointment after weeks - with the bulk drops from Italy. Really appreciate what you’re trying to do with your service and will definitely use it again in the future and recommend to friends!”

Louanne D

“Finally because of this site, I was able to book a slot today. Thanks for the help. This site was definitely helpful.”

Tanya S

“Hey, just wanted to let you know that I managed to secure appointment for norway! Thank you so much for the website!!”


“Finally got the Portugal appointment !!! Was having so much trouble with the VFS portal kept crashing and I got comfort looking at this website and seeing there’s still slots available and got my two other friends to book too !”

Lwandile M

“...just want to say thanks, after a week of wondering what to do and feeling frustrated enough to pay eye watering amounts of money for a visa,  I've managed to get an appointment because of this website.”

Dhruv S